Volunteer Opportunities At KMS
Contact Jessica Bryski: jessbryski@gmail.com
Examples below:
- Scholastic Book Fair- Chair, work a shift for selling books, setup and takedown
- Fundraising- Chair or distribute
- Staff Appreciation Luncheon- Set-up, clean-up, decorate, bake, and serve
- Baking- Bake for bake sales, luncheons
- PTO Events- Various opportunities
- Graduation (8th Grade Parents)- Plan & execute theme, food & prizes for graduation night celebration; parents meet monthly
Family Resource Center
Contact Cynthia Cardona– Community Schools Coordinator: ccardona@rcsdk8.net
- Second Harvest- help with the monthly"produce-mobile"
- Events- various opportunities
- Translation Services- help translate English and Spanish in written and verbal communication
School Dances
Contact Principal - Chandra Leonardo: cleonardo@rcsdk8.net
- Chaperone- Check-in/out backpacks, chaperone floor, sell refreshments
Office Help
Contact Office Manager - Liz Avalos: lavalos@rcsdk8.net
Music Department
Contact Music Teacher - Endre Balogh ebalogh@rcsdk8.net
- Phone Calls - occasional phone calls to families to deliver messages or remind them they signed up to volunteer for a special activity/event; If you can speak Spanish, you can call Spanish-speaking families.
- Band and Orchestra Uniforms - Put students’ names on shirts for distribution (can be done at home.) - Pick shirts up from printing company, wipe off uniform shoes over summer and polish each pair. (Polish provided) - Wash uniform pants over summer and press.
- Maze Day
- Concerts
- Assemblies